Deployment is one of the messiest things if not done correctly. This can cause downtime which in turn can cause significant damage to businesses. There are so many checks to make sure all goes well. And even after that sometimes shit happens. And yes I am speaking from personal experience.
Installing Deployer
you can install deployer with the help if following command
composer require --dev deployer/deployer
Using Deployer
To use deployer we will use the deployer CLI. The executable binary can be located in ./vendor/bin/dep. I have added it to the Shell RS file (zshrc) as an alias dep
you can do the same by adding the following line to .zshrc or .bashrc
alias dep='vendor/bin/dep'
once you have added this update shell by
source ~/.zshrc
You can also use ./vendor/bin/dep
if you prefer.
Now, we have all our binaries in place, we initiate the project by
dep init
Deployer will ask you a few questions, and after finishing you will have a deploy.php or deploy.yaml file. This is a deployment recipe. It contains hosts, tasks, and other required steps for deployment. My personal preference is .php
Add the following content to your deploy.php
file if not already there.
namespace Deployer;
require 'recipe/laravel.php';
// Config
set('repository', 'path-to-your-repository');
add('shared_files', []);
add('shared_dirs', []);
add('writable_dirs', []);
// Hosts
->set('remote_user', 'your-host-user')
->set('deploy_path', 'your-deployment-path');
desc('Build the assets');
task('build', function () {
run('npm install');
run('npm run build');
task('optimize', function () {
run('php artisan optimize');
after('deploy:update_code', 'build');
after('deploy:symlink', 'optimize');
// Hooks
after('deploy:failed', 'deploy:unlock');
To deploy
dep deploy
You can add your preferred tasks in the sequence. Like optimize
task('optimize', function () {
run('php artisan optimize');
after('deploy:symlink', 'optimize'); // runs the optimization task after deploy:symlink
Directory Structure on Host

You have 3 directories in the root of your host
- current: Holds the current release
- releases: Hold your past releases, so that you can roll back to any release.
- shared: Holds all the data shared among all the releases.
Two things are important here.
First, since the latest release always lives in the current
directory, your application root is /current/public
second, the .env
file will be stored in the shared directory
as the environment is shared among all the releases.
Additional Advantages
you can directly login to your SSH
with deployer too with
dep ssh
or you can run a task on the server
directly from your machine.
task('clearCache', function () {
run('php artisan cache:clear');
dep clearCache // will run the clear cache task on server.
You can find more details about the deployer here.
Feel free to suggest and give feedback in the comments section.
If you sometimes encounter the error mentioned below, ( RuntimeException in writable.php on line 132: ...)

This can be resolved by adding a set
attribute to your host configuration.
->set('remote_user', 'user')
->set('deploy_path', '~/path')
->set('writable_mode', 'chmod');